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Physical Education and Field House Building Replacements

Bidding is open for two pre-qualified bidders, Wahlund Construction Inc. and Broward, with bids due August 27th. Notice to Proceed is estimated to be issued at the end of September 2024, pending State approval of the bid. Final Completion (buildings) end of July 2027, and demo/project completion October 2027. With completion moving closer to the end of Spring semester it was decided to push opening to the Fall semester 2027.

This project proposes to construct new 80,000 OGSF Physical Education and Field House buildings. The existing buildings were found to have faults directly beneath the buildings.  In order for the College to meet the regulatory guidelines set in the Alquist-Priolo Act of 1972, the State has allocated funding for this new construction to take place in an area of campus that has been approved through geological site studies.  The new PE building will be constructed in what is now the left field area of the existing baseball field and the Field House will be constructed in the stadium in a location near the former location of the grandstands.

There are two prequalified bidders for this project, Broward Construction and Wahlund Construction. Bids are due August 8th, 2024 at 2:00 pm.

  2023 College of the Redwoods