Vice President Administrative Services Goals
Goal 1: Accreditation Efforts
- Continue to meet or exceed applicable ACCJC accreditation standards, especially as they relate to Standard III B and D.
- Support District efforts to prepare for the ACCJC Fall 2024 visit.
Goal 2: Fiscal Stability
- Continue ensuring that the District's Budget and Multi-Year Forecast are realistic and focus on a balance between controlling costs and maintaining a healthy reserve balance.
- Explore ways to balance the attainment of FTES targets with course efficiency rates.
- Support strategic enrollment management and planning to meet or exceed institutional financial planning milestones.
Goal 3: Professional Development
- Make necessary resources available to expand professional development fundamental to the growth of managers, deans, and executive leaders.
- Develop a succession plan for leadership of the division.
Goal 4: Safety and Risk Management
- Increase District-wide awareness of and engagement in Property/Liability and Worker's Compensation risk management by identifying risk management training opportunities for appropriate personnel.
- In coordination with the Chief of Police review and refine the scope of the Life Safety Committee.
Goal 5: Sustainability and District Planning
- Create and oversee a Sustainability Committee that will focus on carbon reduction, energy efficiency and resiliency, waste reduction, etc.
- Establish a Sustainability Master Plan that supports the Educational and Facilities Master Plans.
Goal 6: Communication and Relationship Building
- Communicate regularly with Administrative Services Division colleagues to foster community, recognize achievement and information sharing.
Goal 7: Facilities Master Planning and Scheduled Maintenance
- Implement low cost facilities master planning recommendations that align with the Education Master Plan.
- Seek funding sources to implement capital outlay FMP recommendations such as the replacement of Student Housing and other aged facilities.
- Update and maintain the 5-year Scheduled Maintenance plan.
Goal 8: Partnership & Community
- Continue collaboration with Cal Poly Humboldt.
Goal 9: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- Develop, enhance, and encourage active staff participation toward an inclusive and interconnected campus community.