English 1A: Selected Themes
Education, Society, & Democracy Theme: Analyzes contemporary social and political issues in our global society.
Food Theme: Explores the personal, cultural, and global impact of both what we eat and how we eat on our bodies, our communities, and our environment.
Humans & the Environment Theme: Explores perspectives and ethical questions presented by environmental and ecological issues.
Popular Culture - The Arts: Examines fine art, dance, music, film, tv, and other arts and pop culture in order to observe, analyze and deconstruct emerging rhetoric in the subject.
Service Writing Theme: Uses service opportunities in local, national, and global organizations as a foundation for analytical reading and writing projects that reach "real world" audiences.
Health Theme: Studies professional, practical, and cultural concerns in public health and personal wellness in our communities.
Food Theme: Explores the personal, cultural, and global impact of both what we eat and how we eat on our bodies, our communities, and our environment.
Contemporary Culture and Connection Theme: Analyzes current conversations surrounding how people connect to the world and one another through work, entertainment, language, media, and consumerism.
(Note: these special sections of English 1A meet the same transfer and program requirements as regular English 1A courses while offering students the additional opportunity to explore an area of interest. In each section, the reading and writing assignments are unified by a specific topic.)